Yesterday, our tennis team participated in the City Finals playoff in Atlanta. We had worked hard to get to this point and its always an exciting time. My partner and I were getting ready to go on the court after our line 2 had lost. Line 1 was still playing. We found a quiet place to stretch and say a prayer to our Father. I remember being very intimidated to play line 3 and had asked my children to pray and my teammates to pray for me. That morning, my partner and I asked for the favor of YHVH over our time on the court. Whether we won or whether we lost, all the glory would go to Him. And in those moments, the stark reality of what our time on earth is really about, came into focus. "Let us be an example of You, Father. Let our words bring you honor and not shame. Let our attitudes bring glory to You above all else."

I must say, we have the privilege of serving the King of Kings and Lord of Lords whose blessings are unending and unimaginable. As we warmed up with our opponents, our Line 1 teammates won their match. The Coordinator came over to inform us that we had won the City Final championship. Apparently, our opponents had forfeited Lines 4 & 5 so their loss at Line 1 put them out of the competition. Now that's FAVOR! When He is for us, who can be against us!!!!
The sad news came afterward when we heard that our opponents had planned on cheating, bringing team members in to play their last two lines who were not really a part of their team. When the Coordinator asked to see photo ID, their plans were ruined. It doesn't pay to cheat.....especially when those you're trying to cheat have YHVH on their side.
Congrats to my teammates. Great season of tennis!
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